WHEN MARS ATTACKS: When the red planet last week hurtled closer to Earth than at any time in the last 60,000 years, scientists reacted as if it was simply an interesting opportunity to take some nice pictures. Not everyone is so blase. Reuters is
reporting that Asian soothsayers are raising the alarm.
“This is not good. When they come close suggests some sort of clash, like a brother and sister who get too near to each other,” Sy Vannak told Reuters.
The best source of what
precisely expect from our close encounter with the planet named for the Roman god of war is a now suppressed cartoon called Thundar the Barbarian. As the lead-in to each episode explained, following a natural disaster involving an interplanetary near-miss, the world is plunged into chaos. What emerges is an age of swords, sorcery, remnant technology and very big, bearish sidekicks with names like Ukla.
This is not good. This is
so not good.